Synthetic Turf Maintenance

Synthetic Turf Maintenance

Synthetic turf fields require maintenance. Over the lifespan of a synthetic field, it may become matted down, lose infill, buildup hardness, and the infill can become contaminated with debris. The field’s infill level and uniformity are important for athletes’ safety and performance. Maximize your field’s investment and lengthen the lifespan of your synthetic field with proper, timely maintenance. 

Your field is a source of community pride as well as a recruiting tool. Maintain a field that all can be proud of; you’ll be the envy of your peers!

Some of our Synthetic Turf Maintenance Services include:

  • Grooming:

    Brushing the field to stand up matted fibers, level infill materials, prevent extensive UV damage, and improve the appearance of your field.

  • Decompaction:

    Aeration is recommended by the manufacturers to reduce field hardness, improve drainage, and limit athlete injuries.

  • Deep Cleaning:

    This cleaning process involves decompacting, lifting, sifting, and replacing your infill while removing unwanted debris to maintain proper drainage and increase the field’s lifespan.

  • Ferrous Metal Removal:

    Pulling a magnet over the field to remove potentially dangerous objects and ensure athlete safety

  • TopDressing:

    Adding infill to maintain your manufacturer’s specifications to ensure proper field performance throughout its lifespan.

  • Seam and Turf Repair:

    Properly repairing loose or damaged turf removes a safety hazard, improves the playability, and can prevent bigger issues.

  • Field Assessment:

    A professional assessment will evaluate the field’s hardness, infill depth, and fiber condition with accompanying recommendations to get the most out of your synthetic turf investment.

  • Snow Removal:

    Safe, experienced, professional factory-approved removal of snow from your field will extend your season.

  • Consultation:

    Maintenance practices or equipment training, field construction questions, or any other synthetic turf questions are welcomed.

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